Design and Build Degree of separation from motor vehicles

  1. Plan
  2. Design and Build
  3. Sell
  4. Evaluate

Why is it important?

Sharing the carriageway with fast moving motor vehicles is both a safety hazard and discomfort. But segregation can also have negative consequences, creating conflicts with perpendicular traffic or pedestrians. Most cycle highways mix stretches of segregated cycle paths and carriageways shared with motor vehicles, with degree of separation best adapted to local context.

How it can be measured?

The necessary degree of segregation between cyclists and cars depends mostly on vehicular traffic speed and volume. If motor vehicles are not frequent and drive slowly, cyclists can safely share the carriageway with them. As traffic speed and volume increases, the need for separation increases as well. Real and perceived safety might depend also on the complexity of traffic situation (crossings, parking, other manoeuvres), environment, driving culture or the volume of bicycle traffic (absolute or in relation to car traffic).

Minimum and recommended values

Acceptability of mixed traffic solutions, depending on motorised traffic speed and volume. The drawing is intentionally...

Guidelines and standards in different countries give different thresholds at what speed and volume of traffic separation of bicycles is recommended or necessary. As a rule of thumb, streets with 30 km/h speed can be considered safe for cyclists. But:

  • Cycling between large number of cars, even if they drive slowly, might not be comfortable, and in some cases also slow down the cyclists. Bicycles are not meant to be stuck in a traffic jam! According to the Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic, cycling on carriageway feels natural up to 500 cars/day, and might be comfortable up to 2500 cars/day if the number of bicycles exceeds the number of cars.
  • If cars are rare and there are not too many distractions around (e.g. outside built-up area), drivers have plenty of time to notice a cyclist and react, so limiting the speed to 30 km/h might not be high priority. In extreme case the reduced standard in Qualitätsstandards für Radschnellverbindungen accepts up to 800 cars/day and speed up to 70 km/h outside built-up areas.
  Inside built-up areas Outside built-up areas Other_requirements
Guidelines/standard max_speed max_traffic_volume max_speed max_traffic_volume
Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic (CROW, NL) 30 km/h 500 PCU/day 60 km/h 500 PCU/day bicycle streets only
Vademecum Fietsvoorzieningen (Flanders, B)         bicycle streets only
Fix the Mix (Flanders, B) 30 km/h 3500 cars/day      
Qualitätsstandards für Radschnellverbindungen (Baden-Württemberg, D) 20-30 km/h   50 km/h "very few" cars  
Qualitätsstandards für Radschnellverbindungen reduziert (can be applied to 20% of route length) 50 km/h  4000 PCU/day 70 km/h  800 PCU/day  
London Cycling Design Standards (UK) 20 mph <200 vehicles/peak hour       
Supercykelstier. Koncept 2.0. Planlægning, udformning og drift (Copenhagen, DK) 30-40 km/h   30-40 km/h   no perpendicular parking allowed, 2-1 roads can be a solution
Réseau cyclable à haut niveau de service. Objectifs et principes d'aménagement (Cerema, F) 30 km/h     1000 vehicles/day  
Manual for the design of cyclepaths in Catalonia (E) 30 km/h 1000 vehicles/day 30 km/h 1000 vehicles/day physical traffic calming measures
Atypical for Netherlands double solution on Waterleidingstraat near Nuland – part of cycle highway F59 ‘s Hertogenbosch...

The decision to separate or not depends also on:

  • available width of the corridor
  • junction density
  • volume of pedestrian traffic

One needs to assess whether it is realistic to provide enough space for segregated cycling paths, separation from pedestrians and good visibility splays on junctions. A cycling path, where a cyclist comes into a crossing from just behind a fence might not be safer than riding in mixed traffic on a carriageway. On the other hand, without separated cycle infrastructure on a busy street some cyclists might decide to use the sidewalk. Below is the summary of main considerations for the available choices.

Segregated cycle paths

Mixed traffic

Other options


  • Filtered permeability is a good way to reduce traffic volume on a local road (and in particular – remove through traffic from it).
  • Speed reduction can be achieved by bicycle-friendly traffic calming measures.
  • Dutch and Flemish guidelines recommend applying the concept of bicycle streets to sections of cycle highway in mixed traffic.
  • Lighting of the route is particularly important in mixed traffic. Without streetlamps, headlamps of incoming cars can temporarily blind cyclists, which is both a safety hazard and a discomfort.
  • Cycle lanes on carriageway – generally not recommended across existing cycle highway guidelines.
  • Look for a different route.
  • Remove / reduce car traffic to acceptable levels (see measures listed in mixed traffic).


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