There are several methods to measure user experience. Depending on the specific goal and other resources (money, time, etc.) the best method can be chosen. In this chapter some of the most used methods will be described.
Surveys for user experience

Conducting surveys is a structured method to collect information from a large group of people. It is often used to involve a lot of people and can be done digital or on paper/oral. The outcome of surveys can show the average score, opinion or rate of people who participated. The data allows researcher to present results in percentages. Open research questions in the survey can be helpful to get more information about the chosen option or allows participants to explain a bit more about their experience and view. It takes more time to analyse the answers of open research questions.
For the experience of people in relation to cycling it might be relevant to relate the survey to a specific cycling infrastructure or location. We distinguish between on path surveys and other surveys.
On path surveys are useful when information about a specific location or cycle track is important for the research. Think of a research done to measure the effect of improvements that are made on the cycle track or a research to get insight into the motivation to choose a specific route, in case of alternative routes. It is also a good method to make sure the target group (cyclists that cycle on the cycle highway) is participating in the research. For an on path survey take the following things in account:
- keep the survey short: maximal 3 minutes
- think of the time and day in relation to the target group
- choose a location where you will be visible and cyclists have space to stop
- inform people in time: it is helpful to explain the purpose of the research on a poster/sign so cyclists are prepared and can choose to stop
Below you find some descriptions of the on path surveys that are done during the CHIPS-project in the pilot regions. Useful examples, files and reports can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Questionnaire - on path survey Leuven (in Dutch)
Questionnaire - on path survey Tilburg (in Dutch)
Questionnaire - on path survey Belfast
Results survey Leuven - infographic (in Dutch)
Results survey Belfast - report

The purpose of the on path survey in Belfast was to get information about how often people cycle on the Comber Greenway and what distance they cycle. This information was combined with the counting data to calculate the reduction of CO2 emission. Since participants were asked to fill in their start- and end address, it is possible to draw a map with possible routes they took. With that knowledge the catchment area of the cycle track can be distracted.
On path surveys in Leuven are used together with a campaign to thank the cyclists for cycling on the F3. During the research period cyclists were suprised with muffins and croissants on their cycle path. At the same time they were asked to participate in the study. ?With the survey information about the cycle distance, how often people cycle the F3 and their experiences was collected.
In the region of Tilburg an on path survey was used to measure the effect of a middle green line. The survey was executed on six locations, three of the locations with the green line and three locations without the green line. The survey consists of questions about safety, environment, experience with other users, recognizibility, comfort etc. Cyclists were asked to rate the topic based on their own experience. With the results the region could make a decision about further development and implementation of the green line.