The virtual planning tool (VPT) is an online compilation of various basic applications that support the entry into the planning and implementation of rapid cycle routes. The ArcGIS-Online software serves as the platform.
In order to use the tool trouble-free it is recommended to use Google Chrome as browser. The format of the StoryMap was chosen for a visually appealing presentation of the content. The story structures the topic "cycle paths in spatial planning" and presents it clearly. The VPT is aimed in particular at interested parties without in-depth expert knowledge who simply want to find out more.
A total of four applications are implemented in the VPT.
1 Potential Map
Within the scope of the VPT, the potential map is intended as a teaser for the GIS-based Spatial Planning Tool. The map provides an overview of potential fast cycle corridors in Europe. These are concentrated in the regions of North-West Europe, which is due to different framework conditions. The schematic lines do not show existing routes, but potential corridors between locations. With the help of traffic, population and commuter data, these were calculated using a specially developed algorithm.
2 GIS-based Spatial Planning Tool (GIS-SPT)
Based on the potential map, the GIS-based Spatial Planning Tool (GIS-SPT) offers a wide range of functions to help you find ideas, analyze and plan cycle paths. The aim is to provide a uniform European data basis, which makes it possible to plan rapid cycle routes in every member state of the EU [see here]. In order to use the GIS-SPT a registration is required.
3 Terrain Profile
While GIS-SPT can display parameters such as workplace focal points, protected areas or driving times for planning purposes, the terrain profile offers an additional function. The designed routes can be viewed and examined for their navigability. It is possible to read off how many meters of altitude have to be climbed, resulting in sections with different gradients.
4 Participation tool
The last application in the VPT is the participation tool. This offers the possibility of early participation. The participation tool represents the route drafts of the GIS-SPT. On this basis, users can comment on routes, draw in alternative routes and liken ideas of other participants. With this participation tool the knowledge of the actual target group "cyclists" is queried, documented and can be evaluated for further planning. At the same time, we create transparency and acceptance.