Introduction to the Cycle Highway Assessment Tool
Throughout Europe different standards of cycle highways are being targeted. As has become clear from guidelines to plan a cycle highway, professionals are differently using cycle highway standards or discussions on this topic to frame the development of this mobility product. Moreover, in the design chapter you will recognise a range of different design solutions and perspectives on design. Being a consequence of contrasting views of what a cycle highway should be.
To create a common understanding of cycle highways among Cycle Highway professionals, the Cycle Highway Maturity Assessment Tool has been introduced. It assesses the degree of development on 22 different user-focused criteria. Each criterium contains 4 different levels where level 1 is the threshold (minimum) level and level 4 stands for the highest level of maturity and can be considered as the European benchmark level.
The tool has the following goals:
- Assess existing Cycle Highways and future Cycle Highways
- Benchmark Cycle Highways in other regions
- Comparing and accomplishing improvement of Cycle Highway plans based on CH Assessment
- Develop a common language for Cycle Highway Experts and Cycle Highway Alumni
- Cycle Highway Assessment contains FUTURE VISION >2020 (in LEVEL 3 & 4):
- Inspire & stimulate innovation
The final result of the Maturity Assessment Tool is a spider diagram where the actual maturity status is visualized by 2 pictures containing each level for each criterium: