How to brand your
cycle highway?
In order to improve the readability of your cycle highway, you must first establish a strong identity (f.i. c-numbers, code-logo strategy, central brand colour,...). This brand for your cycle highway (network) can be integrated in the wayfinding measures and is also relevant in the early planning phase. All the communication touchpoints need to be in line with the central brand you want to establish and promote on the mobility market.
CHIPS recommends to opt for a future-proof network-identity on the highest scale possible. This means the use of a cycle highway code (letter + number combination, preferably a C-number) and one central brand color. Explore the identity playlist related to branding to find more examples and strategies around identity and scales of branding. In other playlists you can explore different ways in which your brand can be integrated in wayfinding tools and other touchpoints to improve the exposure of your brand towards potential users.
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How to enhance
In order to bring new (potential) users in touch with your mobility product you also need to integrate the cycle highway brand in diverse digital and non-digital touchpoints. Physical touchpoints (f.i. a landmark, a cycling bridge or a service station) help to disclose your mobility product to people coincidentally passing by. But touchpoints can also be more social (f.i. word of mouth) or online (f.i. "#C3", digital maps or popular multi-modal routeplanning device like Google Maps.)
If you apply the CHIPS recommended identity-principles (C-numbers, code-logo strategy, one brand colour,...), you increase the possibilities of integration and help to establish economies of scale that will improve the general exposure (brand awareness) around cycle highways.
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Digital wayfinding