Readability tool main characteristics
TitleF7-F4 cycle highway - Flanders: bicycle counter and branding

Does the readability tool encompass a certain location?Yes
LocationLeuven, Flanders, Flemish-Brabant, Brussels
To whom is the tool primarily directed?New user (e.g. someone who wants to try it)
Readability tool branding strategy
Is the tool related toCycle highway
Name of cycle highwayFXX Fietssnelweg Leuven-Brussel
Central brand colors2 brand colours
Is this cycle highway related to a branded network of cycle highways?Yes
Name of branded network of cycle highwaysfietssnelwegen
Are there brand colors of network?2 brand colours
Logo of branded network

Readability tool description
Readability tool description
This counter can be found along the F7 cycle highway, connecting Ghent with Kortrijk. It is designed in the corporate identity of cycle highways in Flanders, using de F-code-logo for cycle highways and the blue brand colour.
Counters can have different readability functions:
- establishing route identification
- improving brand awareness
- making an entrance more visible
- enhancing exposure towards potential users (f.i. car drivers)
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