Explore toolboxes

Readability Toolbox
Step-by-step guide to turn your cycle highway into a plug&play mobility product that can be promoted on the mobility market. The toolbox contains:
- Readability tools: branding strategies, wayfinding measures and best practices
- Reviews: CHIPS recommendations and mistakes to avoid
- Framework: 10 playlists of measures
- Search engine: different filters
During the three years of the CHIPS project, we faced an unforeseen issue: we were using different words in different parts of Europe, which made knowledge transfer difficult. This Lexicon is an attempt to identify a common vocabulary for the concepts and specific terms used in the Cycle Highway Manual
- Cycle Highway Lexicon
- Definitions
European Map of Potential Cycle Highways
This is an AI-generated map of all the potential cycle highways in Europe. Zoom into your region and explore how your cycle network is connected to the potentially best locations for a cycle highway. This European fishing lake for potential cycle highways helps you to:
- Envision a future cycle highway (network) in your region
- Plan the route alignment
- Give identity to your cycling connection
Maturity Assessment Tool
To create a common understanding of cycle highways among cycle highway professionals, the Maturity Assessment Tool has been developed by CHIPS partners. It will help you evaluate the quality of your infrastructure.
- 22 criteria to assess your cycle highway
- 4 maturity levels: from threshold level 1 (minimum) to level 4 (European benchmark).
Checklist Design Goals
You want to start designing and building your cycle highway? Use this short overview to:
- Determine your design goals and ambitions
- Find the right tools
- Avoid mistakes
Infrastructure Toolbox
There are various infrastructural and traffic management measures that can be used on cycle highways. Explore the solutions we were able to test during the three years of life of the CHIPS project.
- Infrastructural measures
- Options for traffic management